How to profile a Slurm/MPI program on Niagra/Bridge-2 by Intel Vtune
tags: Intel, Profile, MPI
Build Program
Here are two choices:
- build program with whatever mpi you want.
- build program with IntelMPI
Modify Sbatch Script
add paths and set env
module load intel/2019u4 ...
. $INTEL_ROOT/vtune_amplifier/
mpirun + vtune command + your program
like following:
srun amplxe-cl -collect hotspots {-trace-mpi} -data-limit=0 -r $WHERE_SAVE_REPORT $YOUR_PROGRAM
# or
mpirun -np xxx amplxe-cl -collect hotspots {-trace-mpi} -data-limit=0 -r $WHERE_SAVE_REPORT $YOUR_PROGRAM
is only required by no intelmpi program.
for collect
we have hotspots
, hpc-performance
and so on. Please check Intel-Vtune-Doc for more usages.
Visualize through X11-Forwarding
Mobaxterm have X11-Forwarding embeded.
Make sure that your ssh conecting has X11-Forwarding Access.
$INTEL_ROOT/vtune_amplifier/bin64/amplxe-gui --allow-remote-ui --web-port $NOT_USED_PORT --path-to-open $WHERE_SAVE_REPORT
Then you can have a vision of the profiling results.
problem fix
Failed to launch VTune Amplifier GUI...
I solved the problem by trying another $NOT_USED_PORT
. It works well on Niagara HPC. And please be aware of your connection lagency.
Visualize through vtune-backend
This method has been tested on openapi@2021u4 on Niagara HPC.
vtune-backend --web-port=$port --allow-remote-ui --data-directory $where_you_can_find_your_vtune_results
then forwarding the port to your local address and open with https
(oneapi is required to use tls